I've got a sixpack, and nothing to do...

Inside the blurry, wacky world of SIXPACK40oz!


 WASSUP!?! (***BURP!***) ThEy cAll me SIXPACK40oz tHe drUNx punX! WhAt I do fOr fun is drInk bEEr, lisTen to Punx Rawk, dRInk soMe mOre beer, gEt drUnk soMe morE...tHen paSs out aNd do iT all aGain the nEXt day!

I'll dRiNk to aNytHing, and wIll drinK anytHIng!!! I'll drInk oNe beer, I'll driNk tWo bEErs...I'll dRink frOm da bAr, I'll driNk fRom tHe stREet...I'll drInk frOm a 40oz, anD I'll drInk fROm a SIXPACK!!!

As tHe storY goEs...I'Ve gOt a sixpack aNd nothing to do...and wHEn I'm nOt taKing a sWig, I lisTen to anYthing thAt's coOl...old skOOl punk/ StrEEtpunx/Oi!/ 80's New WAVe/PoWEr PoP...oR juSt gOod o' RoCk n' roLL!

Pics of Vice Squad in N.J.!Vice Squad and other bands @ CBGB's 2000!

I stiLL go to sOMe shows...alTHough moSt oF tHe nEwEr baNds nOWadays mosTly SUCK!!! (Heh heh heh...) TheRe's piCs of Vice Squad froM the lASt US tour 2000 fOr eXamPle. ChEck baCk heRe fRom tiMe-to-timE For soMe uPDated fEaturEs and phoTos.

(***BURP!***)My faVoriTe beeRs aRe Tequzia, Guniness, Brooklyn Beer (regular, dark, and weiss),Young's Dirty Dick ale...but i'm not tHAt picKY...i'll dRiNk winE, sanGria and sAKe tOO! (esPEcially whEn theY're FREE! Aww yea!) may i suGGest chIps with liMe flaVor wHEn driNkinG Tequzias? Yum! I dig those miXed DrinKs aS wELL...(SLURP!)

daMn...my tOIlet's stIll bloCkEd up liKe a mofo fROm a weeK's woRth of bEEr puke! (***BURP!***) And YeaH, I kNOw thiS weBPagE runS slOw like A f#&'ing hangOVer!!! So dOn't be shY...chECk out thIs stUff, sign da dAmn gueSTbooK, aNd whaTnot. Oh yEa; theRe's goNNa bE a comix out aLL aBoUt littLe ole me cUmmiNg Soon aS wEll. So enJoy tHis site ya lousy bAStaRd, buY me A beer nexXt timE ya sEe me at your loCal bar, and dOn't forGet to take two aSsprins the next day! (***BURP!***)