PART ONE; The first five bands
  • Spider C*unts
  • Deviant Behavior
  • The Devotckas
  • Banner Of Hope
  • The Relix

Recently reformed, the lengendary UK Punk band Vice Squad had it's first official US tour in 2000. (Apart from 1999's Social Chaos tour) Here's pics of that nite over at CBGB's.


First band up;

The Relix


 Second band;

Banner Of Hope



 Thrid band;

The Devotckas

*Photo taken by Bejay Rose


 Fourth band;

Deviant Behavior



 Fifth and final band before Vice Squad;

Spider C*nts


 All of these bands were good; but the mayhem was just getting warmed up.

Onto the next page!


© 2001 InYourFace inc., for Penny Century Productions. All photographs taken by Penny Century, unless otherwise noted *.