Yeah, the whole thing wuz sad...I was evicted from my little hole in the wall that I call a homepage on the web. You know, it takes a lot for me to stop drinking and work on this site! Things were going well too- by the time they canned my drunken ass, I had over 2000 hits in the month of August last year. The old SIXPACK guestbook was forming a life of its own...some were cool, some were stupid, some were damn funny...some were insults with quality! I quote..."Please stop drinking. Do whatever it takes...go to A.A....stop corrupting our society..." Basically, it comes down to this; some peeps don't know a good thing when they see one.
I do have a few suspicions...the harrassment kind started when as a joke I posted some rather rude pics of some punx dude with his schlong out. I blocked out the **** , but I guess that wasn't enough. The next thing I know, I was getting e-mail from Yahoo, saying I was "too young to Yahoo" or some shit like that. Soon afterwards, I was '86'ed from Yahoo/ Was it because of that photo? Who knows? Who cares?
And as for everybody else, I wanna thank for thier support over the past year...folks like Danny Fast Fingers who hooked me up with his scanner (and everything else), Max Scorpio, Brooklyn Girl, Beki Bondage and Vice Squad , Captain Purple who was kind enough to link my page onto his, Choppa and Jsphic, (from that e-zine No Known Boundries), Mr.Urban Groove, OiskinBlu, PapiDawg, Magenta, and anyone/everyone else who checked out my page, signed da damn guestbook, and gave encouragement.
Back by popular, or unpopular demand, is the one, the only SIXPACK!!! (***BURP!***) So the next time you're drinking, have one on me.